Thursday, November 17, 2011

Enhance Your Business Presence With Taxi Advertising!

Life is way more busy than we think of it and time is passing by like a non stop tube train. Now days, in this fast pace of life, letting the others acknowledge about your business is a bit tough but accomplish able task. You must run an effective advertising campaign that catches the attention of the other, appeal them to have a look over it. There are so many ways by which you can target general public but most of them are not found as much effective as Taxi Advertising does, especially for targeting the people of some local territory.

Monday, November 14, 2011

How To Endow The Taxi Passengers With Your Advertisement?

The versatility of advertising make taxis the one of the most effective source of advertisement. Usually what businesses posses is that only the outside/body of the taxis is useful for advertisement. Well, thats not true, the every single part of taxi can be used for the advertisement. However, it will increase the cost of the advertisement but if you are confident enough that the places you are opting for advertisement on taxis are best to display your Ad then you must not step back from it.
Mostly taxis are opted to target the local customers of a specific area or a city but if you are looking to satisfy the needs of specific category of people then the inside of the taxis play more effectively rather then the outside. Various interior accessories are helpful in

Friday, November 11, 2011

How to Create Effective Banners for Taxi Advertisement? Part II


Billboards, hoardings provide huge size boards to place an add that can be noticed from far away. But the effectiveness of billboards is going down because of their static nature. As, in the previous part I have mentioned that taxis are mini sized mobile billboards. Taxis provide small but enough surface to place an effective ad.

Five Most Essential Tips for Creating Effective Banner for Advertising on Taxis:

Conduct some research:

You can't create something out of box without doing research on it. Your research over look the following factors.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How to Create Effective Banners for Taxi Advertisement? Part I

Taxi advertising exist in the market since last few decades but the real boom in its advertisement business is from last few years. As there were so many other marketing agencies are also available in the market that are playing their part but taxis have become one of the most authentic, cost effective and results generating advertising medium.
Taxi advertisement is a branch of transit advertising that also include advertisement on buses, trains and vans etc but non of them grab the attention as taxis did. Taxis advertisement is also known as mini mobile billboard and mobility is the extreme factor that is helping the taxi advertising business to groom in the market. Taxi advertisement is not only popular in UK but USA and Australian businesses are also addicted of advertising on taxis.
The most basic components of Taxi advertising are its Sides and the Roof top. The sides are wrapped with the Ads, while the rooftop is being utilized with Banners and Digital LED screens. Taxi advertisement allow the marketers to think out of box to create attractive advertising banners utilizing the shape of the taxis.
In the upcoming part of the same topic I'll share the 5 essential tips that will help all the marketers for sure to create effective advertising banner to endow the most out of your advertising campaign.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Brilliant Advertisement is what Taxi Advertising is all about!

Vodafone Ad on Taxi

There are some advertisement resources that are providing a great deal of results to the business but as the hunger of more never ends, the businesses always seek new and more authentic resources of advertisement that not only help them in saving a good amount of money but also help them to achieve leads from it. There are various resources that provide lead generating advertisement but when it comes to the cost of the advertisement the profit ratio goes way low.
Taxi advertising is available in the market since a long time but never able to grab the attention of the businesses since last few years, because it start featuring technology products in it traditional advertisement and which grab the attention of the business as well help the taxis to distract the attention of the public in most rushed places of the city e.g Stations, airports, markets etc. also

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Finding Cost Effective Advertisement – Lets Talk About Taxis

Last Minute Shuttle Black Taxi Advertising
Most of the business owners are looking to grow their business and as we all know that advertisement is one of those Must haves that assist them owners to grow their business significantly. Well, there are certain types of categories that further fall in the business advertisement and these are whether the owners are looking to run a brand awareness campaign or some special sale advertisement that is going on at their place or even the launch of new products also need advertisement to catch the attention of the potential users.
Well, the above context is almost about the potentials that tempt the owners to advertise their business.

Friday, October 14, 2011

7 Yes And No's Of Taxi Advertisement!

If you haven't heard about the success of advertising on taxis then I believe you must have seen the taxis roaming in the streets, highways, marketplaces and on airports wrapped with the advertisement of businesses. So, could you imagine how many they were, I can bet you will say “A lot”. Well, keeping that in mind if you are looking to advertise on taxis then the following answers will help you to run a Taxi Advertising for your business awareness, brand awareness, products, services and promotional campaigns.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How Taxi Advertisement Cover All Advertisement Needs?

I'm sure that you are familiar with taxi advertisement because now days every other taxi moving in the street or highway, is wrapped with the Ad of some business. So, its nothing new for you but if you are willing to advertise your business on taxis then this might be your first time. I'm also pretty much sure that if you are influenced toward it then you must have heard about the effectiveness of taxi advertising. However, if you are looking forward for AdvertisingOn Taxis then I would like to assist you that how you can utilize a taxi for effective advertisement.
Well, not only the taxi but the Ad and the placement of Ad also matters the most in a effective advertising campaign. However, the wide body of the taxis and the roof top helps the most for grabbing the attention of the peoples wandering in surroundings, you can wrap the body with a huge, impacting images and the roof top can be used as either still banner or you can also add led screen on it. These two are the most basic sources that businesses use with taxi advertising. However, if you are willing to go more effective and target a specific class then adding your business services and using the interior of the taxis would be the perfect idea.
In the upcoming post of the same context, I'll let you know that how can you use the interior of the taxis to increase the efficiency of taxi advertisement.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Pros n Cons of Various Transit Advertising resources!

The reign of advertising on transit media was initially started by the gigantic buses and then it is carried on by the various other vans and taxis and now days personal cars owners has also wrapped their cars with the ads of various business entities. Well, I guess you stumbled here to get some clear and courageous information about which one to choose from the above mentioned advertising resources.

Well, here falls the pros n cons of these transit advertising resources. Starting it with Buses, everyone knows they follow a single route everyday on a specific time, the appearance of the ads on buses are inevitably marvelous but of no use when its only good for the people who will come in its way on its routine time. So, the ads are good to have but there are also some other options as well to go for that help your to advertise more than buses do.
Well, the advertising on private vehicles like taxis and other vans is also quite popular since a long time. Advertising on Taxis is being adopted by various international level businesses and determining that would not be a hard thing to do, if you live around or in London. Taxis with the ads of Vodafone, Nokia, Europcar, Freelancer, Samsung, Sandisk etc, I've a huge list that I can't put here. I believe the reason on advertising on taxis is influenced because of their mobility and the utilization advertising campaign of taxis as per owners demand.
People who are looking to earn some extra cash other than their regular job also vacant their cars for the advertisement purpose and get paid by the company that wrap the personal car of them people with the Ad of their business. However, the personal cars has made no much impact on the businesses that advertise on them and its diminishing quite rapidly.

You know the area of your business/products/services and think of putting your ads on buses, taxis and personal cars and then assume that, which one of these resources is targeting your niche market.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How To Save And Earn On This Outdoor Advertising Resource?

Advertisement, the very core yet the basic activity in a product life cycle that needs to be done with all the prior attention, even there must be a solely established department managing and carrying out advertising activities. No matter, an organization or a sole proprietor, operating its business on smaller scale or larger, it must need advertisement support in order to make aware the future customers, so that the ultimate goal of creating value for the product is achieved.
In essence, outdoor advertisement is opted to spread the message amongst the mass customers. The very basic mode of outdoor advertisement is giant size of billboards, carrying out Ad campaign on TV, distributing flayers or pasting an ad in a highly reputed newspapers. No doubt, if one opting for outdoor advertisement, it would need him to take a gigantic bulk of bucks out of their business budget, which would be a quite risky decision too. However, there is a far better approach in the list even, that is transit advertisement.
While being specifically in the transit advertising, Taxi Advertising is one of the highly demanded access most of the businesses and sole entrepreneurs wish to employ for so many reasons, such as it is an inexpensive mode of outdoor advertisement in relation to traditional outdoor channels. Secondly, it gives additional features such as being remote and self controlled access rather being stick to particular spot, that is most often are ignored by general mass, because it is outdated. All in all, advertising on taxis gift a fair figure of features and benefits to the advertisers in order to effectively influence mass force that could be turned into prospective customers in no time.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Advertise For Effective Results On Bulky Black Taxis

The history of advertisement on taxis is not pretty much deep and if you are looking to get some examples of successful taxi advertising campaign then you don't need to go much deep because the various campaign ran over taxis by most of the well known business are the crystal clear examples of effective advertising that does not affect on pockets as much as other mediums do.
Now days, various advertising agencies are pursuing other business to hire taxis for the advertisement campaign of their business by acknowledging them with the successful results of previous Black Taxi Advertising campaign. The successful campaigns are not only the reason that pursue the new businesses to opt taxis but the bulky taxis and the 24x7 advertisement, low cost are also some of the most common features that demand the businesses to opt Black Taxi advertising.
So, hiring taxis to advertise about your business is the one of the most authentic way to convey your business slogans, efficient services and latest products. As taxis hold enough space to be wrapped up with an effective advertisement not only on the out-side but also on the inside as well. Just make sure you know that to whom you are about to target, is it the passengers of the taxi? or the both the passengers and the people moving around the place.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Best Examples Of Taxi Advertisement Campaign

Pick up the right resource that help you grow and to get that resource follow up the history of the successive commodity. Well, advertisement is one of the most important factor of the success of a business and the one of the key factor that play its part in the success of the business is not only the quality of the services of the business but also the resource that acknowledge the user of those particular services. Most of the well developed and efficient advertising resources opt the other medium for the advertisement of their own. For example, the TV channels and shows ads on the billboards, newspapers etc etc. and also the international level companies also opt the resources that are being opt by small businesses as to drive potential visitors.
Well, the best and most authentic example such advertisement medium is advertising on taxis. Because not only the international level business but a number of other advertisement resources opt taxi advertising to grow their business. Following are some of the most common and highly successive examples of these businesses advertisement campaign on taxis.
  • Korean Air Taxi Advertisement
  • Lbc Radio Advertisement Campaign On Taxis
  • Vodafone Black Taxi Advertisement
  • Nokia Ovi Advertisement Campaign On Taxis
  • Europcar Taxi Advertising
  • Freelancer.Co.Uk Advertising On Taxis
and now days if you get a chance to come by London or surroundings, then you will see that various taxis roll around on the roads of city wrapped with the Ad of France 24 news channel. So, if these high level businesses are putting their ads on taxis then why not you, your business can also become a part of the taxis with a very affordable cost of advertisement. Choice is yours, just make sure you invest at a resource that can deliver a good result out of that investment.

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Taxis do the the advertising job potentially

Your business/services/products are useless till the users of your services know about it and when its about promoting your self then advertising is the most powerful tool to be used for effective results. Well, advertising is further qualified into various form according to their authority and the cost.
Transit advertising is one of the most powerful advertising source, as it is not dedicated to a single location or to a specific kind of audience. The other effective advantage of it is that it can't be turned off in any condition and the size of it is sufficient enough to display an appealing Ad. 
Advertising On taxis is like the one we see on Billboards, Trains and buses but they are either fixed or follow a specific route, while taxi follows the every possible path to drive through in the whole city. Its perfect to advertise on taxi because your Ad will be surely view by the persons of different position and levels when they going to hire it and not only that but by the every person who is outside of his/her home will surely have a look at your Ad when its placed on a taxi. 
To get the fast and effective results for promoting your business or individual product, taxi advertising is the perfect way to do it.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Taxi Advertising is a better way to advertise your business!

Well, you can not create a poll about how your customer came to know about you but you can easily see a significant change in number of visitors and visitors to customers afterwards the marketing campaigns that you had run either about some specific product of yours or for the promotion of your business.
Seems so easy that you will get the reward so easily but its not as easy as it seems. Publishing your ad on any media whether it is tv, radio, print or any other doesn't mean that your business will stake up but you need an appropriate planing to make it your advertising campaign worthy. The design of the ad plays most important role in its effectiveness and the medium also come beside it.
Going for electronic media like TV will cost you way more than what you will receive in return if you are running an average business, radio is cost effective but its not result effective same goes to news papers and magazines. There is another way to run an effective advertising campaign which cost as much as you want it to be and the results are better than any other advertising campaign according to price and that is TaxiAdvertising.
You might have seen various taxis with AD boards on their top and some eye catching paint job on the body that makes you look at them once. Advertising on Taxis is a better way to recognize your business in locale territories.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Flexibility In The Visual Medium Of Advertisement

What is flexibility ?
Flexibility is actually the way in which you adapt to the change weather its environmental or social change. Its something out of the normal conventions. Being flexible helps you to be more innovative and imaginative. In this particular blog my focus is on the flexibility of medium in which the advertisements are placed.

What is Advertisement?
Advertisements are basically used to inform or persuade people about certain product, event or news. In terms of business we can say it is used for creating Brand Awareness among masses through television, radio, INTERNET and all of the resource of print media. Either you advertise to inform people about a new product that has been launched recently in to the market or you inform about any change or update in the already existing product. The core aim of advertisement is to attract customers attention in a way as to persuade them to buy your product. In terms of marketing we can say that targeting or creating needs or desire among the people
Flexibility in the medium of advertisement:
Normally advertisements are carried out through print of social media. In print media we have news papers, magazines, bill boards, hoardings etc., while in electronic media we have Internet, Television and Radio. So the basic theme of advertisement is to reach maximum people with maximum information.
In order to create flexibility in the visual medium of advertisement concept of Advertisement on Taxis was introduced. As taxi travels to every part of the city. So the chances of creating awareness among maximum people increases.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Stand Alone in Local Market Via Advertising on Taxis

Advertising on taxis is raising stake in major cities of UK, USA, Australia etc and you can not deny it, as you would have seen the number of taxis with Ads wrapped on their body. So, its the common sense that where ever taxis will move, your business Ad will be advertised among the people sitting beside the road, walking on footpath, driving their vehicle, working up with something outside, and more precisely I say that every Eye ball out in the streets will see the ad of yours, when it is printed on taxis.
Advertising on taxis allow the business owners to catch the attraction of the targeted market with the on going time. Not monopoly but we can say that if taxi advertising is utilized efficiently and the product/services you are advertising about hold the quality and interest of consumer, then you can outcast your competitors swiftly.
The cost of advertising on taxis is so much affordable that even a fresh business can afford it. However, adding up more cost does not only enhances the number of taxis with your Ad but you can also enhance the existing ad campaign by making necessary changes to the ads and also adding up more taxi advertising goodies in your campaign. It will help your business to recognize as the one of its kind in the local market as long as the taxis will move in the local streets, marketplaces and business centers.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Rusticate All other Advertising resources Except!

Are you tired of investing money on advertising resources? Or you are still scratching the market for the one which can truly save the extra cost and must hold the impact of advertisement. Well, usually business get fed up by advertising on print media as the cost of advertisement is not much effective as compare to the results generated by advertisement campaign. However, new sources of advertisement are introduced in the market that put the business owners in the dilemma, whether to go for it or to wait for others to say words about these resources efficiency.
Well, if you are still spending your money on print media advertising resources then, I would say that its time to rusticate all those resources and contact a Taxi Advertising agency. Advertisement on taxis is getting into market since years and its has grown some strong roots in it because of its cost effectiveness and result delivering nature. Well if you have not heard a word about it then I believe you must have seen taxis with Ads wrapped on their body moving in the streets, highways, airports and near market, and to acknowledge the effectiveness of taxi advertising campaign, I suggest you to have a look on the Ubiquitous taxis portfolio, you will see the international, local and nationwide businesses Ads wrapped up taxis with complete case studies. I truly believe that the portfolio of famous UK taxi advertising agencies would be enough for you to attain the trust to advertise on taxis.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why the BLACK cabs for taxi advertisement?

Without playing around with stuff I would like to get down to the business. Well, there are ubiquitous coloured taxis move around the streets and business places but not all of taxis are wrapped with ads but the Black one. There is nothing to surprise about it, people love to move around in black cabs, as the inside of these cabs is quite wide and extra comfortable. But the out side is much more tempting for the local yet multinational businesses, as you might have seen these taxis wrapped up with various companies Ads. If you are unable to memorize it then, I believe these two name will enlighten the memory of yours:
1. Vodafone (London Calling Taxi Advertising Campaign)
2. Nokia (OVI Maps)
as the basic reason behind the advertisement on black cabs is, these cabs offer a wide space to wrap the Ad on it and it literally looks like a mobile billboard. Also most of the taxi advertising agencies offer full body Ad placement plus taxi top advertisement digital screen and also the rear window digital screen. Though it gets a bit costly then normal taxi advertising. But the result oriented by the attractive taxi top and rear window digital screen pay more than what you spend on it. Also if you are going out big like Vodafone and Europcar etc, then you can also provide your business services to the passenger of the taxis to pursue them to pay you visits etc.
Make sure your business Ads must get noticed by every person moving in the streets, sitting beside the road, driving their own vehicle or sitting in any other taxi etc and the only possibility to make it successful is, Advertisement on Taxis.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Effective Advertising is Taxi Advertising

To get your business advertising campaign that increase the stats of your business graph, you need to have a creative ideas as well as a catchy source which will deliver the idea of yours effectively. Keeping that in mind, I believe you never had any thought to deploy your idea on taxis. Yes! Taxi advertising is one of the most modern, attractive and effective source of business advertisement. Ads on Traditional advertising resources like TV, billboard, the video screens or the newspapers do not go through as much eyeballs as taxi advertising do.
A creative ads wrapped on local taxi helps you to run your business way more better than it is now. Specially, if you are new in the market or not well known in the local market as your competitors do. Also taxi advertisement is the perfect tool for the brand and special services awareness like; Vodafone's “London calling”, Korean Air and Guess “brand awareness” taxi advertising campaigns are truly known by almost ever other person of London.

The simple reason which make these business to advertise their very latest services on taxis is, the cost of advertisement and the result generated within that cost and the popularity of taxi advertisement is regardless to point out, as you would have seen taxis Advertising about various businesses around the city.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Transit Advertising is Taking Over UK

Earlier the day, I was talking to a friend of mine and the course of discussion was business. Well, between that conversation he prompted that transit advertising is at its max now days in London and them guys are always informed of what is going to be in upcoming trends. Several things he mentioned were like; the upcoming events, concerts, technology products, movies etc. he was almost trying to say that they are connected with the world not only with the TV and Internet but transit advertising is not playing the role of advertisement for the businesses but its also providing information to general public.
The reason which make transit advertisement attractive is, the giant size of Ad printed on the sides of buses and wrapped on taxis act like a mobile billboard moving in the streets. The ads printed on buses and taxis are much more attractive than one advertised on TV's and radio stations.

Taxi Advertising in UK is very much preferred by most of the professional businesses in all transit advertising resources. As the taxis roll around the city all day and night, while most of the other transit advertising resources either follow specific route or move once or twice in a day. The taxis not only move in the streets and popular highways of the city but you will found taxis at most rushy markets and around high class business building of the city.

Its time to make the right choice and pick a transit advertising resource to get advertised effectively in the streets, markets and business places of London and other cities of UK.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Taxi Advertising Includes All kind of Advertising Modes in it

It would not be wrong if I say that taxi advertising hold the strength of all advertising resources in it and I truly believe you would not deny it too. Its also one of the most positive aspect for the businesses to go for taxi advertising because they are not only get various kind of advertising facilities at one place but the the price and the return of taxi advertising campaign is much better than any other advertising campaign. However, there are so many positive aspects of taxi advertising that not only tempt the business owners to hire some, for the advertisement of their business but in this particular post I will compare some other advertising resources that you can avail from a single advertising taxi.
Starting with the basic outlook of the advertising taxis, the size of the Ad wrapped up on taxis is the clear representation of billboards, however they are stationery but the taxi is free to move in every nook and corner of the city. Afterwards, it also cover the leverage of print/paper advertising and does the job more effectively. The paper and magazines are only for those people who have subscribed themselves with it, but Ad and slogan printed on taxis are read by the every other townsman. Thats not all, these were some of the basic advertising resources which everyone can guess but here is the splash for you. Now you can advertise your business on taxis like you do it on TV. Large digital screens are placed on the top and rear screen of the taxis and also video ads can made a part of video screens available at he back the taxi seats.
Well, these are some of the basic resources that can be made a part of the taxi advertising. If you are looking for more creative ideas for advertising on taxis, then you should contact some well established advertising company and run an effective business campaign for your business like Vodafone is running their Taxi Advertising Campaign.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Don't You Get Scare Of Market Bullies

Gone are those days when businesses get noticed in the surroundings like wildfire but now days the competition is at its climax and taking down your competitors with limited amount of budget, makes it tough for the businesses. Not to mention that how the worstly the big fishes of market are eating up the small one. Though there are some main sources still available to save them and drive these small business entities on a safer place.
Advertising is one of the basic source that is helping small businesses to stay safe from getting swept by the giants of the market. Though these business use small and medium sort of advertising resources, as the budget of theirs don't met with the expenses of advertising on television channels or times square video screens. Following are some of the main advertising resources that help small business to keep their existence in the market:
Advertisement on Radio
Paper Advertisement
and some other printing ads like flyer's and greeting cards etc.

The adequate use of the above mentioned advertising resources can help any business entity to survive in the market of bullies, also you can use these resources to create a unique distinction of your business and make the people addictive of your services. One thing, which is more important than advertisement is, the Ad. The Ad of your business represents the every single aspect of it. So, make sure it covers every thing that you want on it, without hurting its proficiency.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Transit Advertising-which one is better? Part II

In the previous post I've discussed about transit advertising and a source of transit advertising. In this particular post i'll carry on the remaining three sources.
Ads on Buses:
Initially, the scope of transit advertisement was started with printing Ads on buses. Its true that the Ads on the buses looks like moving billboards but its also good for the businesses up to some extent. As mostly the buses follow the same route every day, so its not sure that your business will get advertised outside the route of the bus wrapped with your business Ad. Advertising on buses is better than advertising on trains, as there is a greater possibility that the ad will be viewed by most of the people.

The only type of transit advertising, which is giving a tough time to some of the main source of advertisement like T.V Channels etc. and why I should not be, the businessmen are getting results more than they expect and the price is comparatively quite low as well. The sole reason that made taxi advertising so much result oriented and a perfect source of advertisement is, its non stop advertisement up-to 16 hours a day almost in every street and highway of the city.

Advertising On Private Cars:
advertisement on private is quite new in the industry and went quite much flopped, because non of the private owner moves in the streets. If you hired someone to wrap-up his/her car with your business Ad, then you will probably find your business Ad parked somewhere in the parking lot of a building, cafe or in-front of someones home.

Be sincere with your business and advertise only on those advertising resource which truly mean to advertise your business. Transit advertising is a good way to advertise your business at affordable price but choosing the right source of transit advertising matters for the betterment of results

Transit Advertising-which one is better? Part I

Obviously, you will get competitors when you are doing business in an open market and same is the situation that I am going to clarify in this particular post regarding transit advertising.
Business advertising is one of the most important factor for all kind of businesses and must be carried on via result oriented channels. Transit advertising is a well known source of business advertisement followed up using Ads on Buses & Trains, Black Taxi Advertising and Wrapping Ads on Private Cars. All these source of transit advertisement carry some weak and strong aspects but at the end of this particular post you will be surely able to pick up the right type of transit advertising source, which would work perfectly for your business.

Ads on Trains:
Its true that there's always a good crowd people are available at the train stations. The people of every class and all ages are on station, either waiting for the train or to receive someone. The volume of the Advertisement printed on the train is doubtlessly massive but the negative side of this is that most of the people would not pay much importance to it, as every body is in hurry either to get out of the train or to grab the seat and when the end-up with it the train starts moving towards next station. Hence, advertising on trains would not be a great option to get some good results, though you can get some benefit through it by wrapping an Ad that hold fascination.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Taxi Advertising- kill two birds with same stone

Not the new but an effective type of advertisement approach for local businesses entities is transit advertising. Advertising on taxis is one of the most successful tool of transit advertising. It delivers great output or better say more than what you can imagine of in context of your wrapped Ad. It is one of those advertisement resources that most of the small as well as a large scale businesses are looking for. The one of the key fascination of taxi advertising is its quite much affordable and on top of that the output delivered by taxi advertising campaign is marvelous. If its being compared by other several advertising resources then it would had way-more benefits than the traditional advertising channels.
Now the question arises in the mind of some of you people that, why should I go for taxi advertising? Well, as I have mentioned above that taxi advertising is approachable by all kind of business entities plus it works like a mobile billboard. which simply means your Ad will be viewed by most of the people working around, having fun and moving along the road. Not only the passengers will entertain with the Ad wrapped up on it but other peoples driving on highway will see the Ad if the taxi is roaming on the highways and same goes to the peoples moving on the streets as taxi would be there to drop someone.
Some of the other resources are either much expensive or don't have power to influence the expected results and if its Ads are on taxis you would be able to kill two birds with same stone.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Get Your Business Noticed With Ubiquitous Taxi Advertising

To get your business noticed by the general public without any limitations of age and creating a vibrant impact on the viewers to make them stop and look, the only source is to hire a taxi advertising firm to wrap up the Ad of your business on the sides of the taxis. It is the most common reason that most of the businesses prefer taxi advertising as compare to other advertising sources because they get instant result of it. This is not just me, if you are in London them you might have noticed the every other taxi is wrapped up with an Ad either describing the products, influencing the brand or informs about some TV, Radio show.
Advertising on ubiquitous taxis would not only help you to get a frequent change in your sales and revenue graph but it also helps you to develop the brand of yours. Here is a case study of England's one of the most popular cellular company, that has been running the advertising campaign of their new offers and services and products on taxis since a long ago. 

Campaign title:

London's Calling


Align Vodafone’s commitment to ‘keep Londoners connected’ with an iconic London service: black cabs. Combine the two by providing phone chargers in branded cabs; make a strong statement that Vodafone’s service is as vital to keeping London calling as cabs are to keeping London moving.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Advertise your business for Continuous 16 Hours a day

Whether you are running a well known business in the market or just started a new one, when you are going to sell a product or a service ADVERTISING would be required. There are so many ways to pick from, for the advertisement of your products and services. Outdoor advertising is one of the most common and effective source of business advertising that include Digital screen billboards, billboards, transit advertising etc etc.

Taxi advertising is fond to be the one of the most effective type of business advertising resource for local territories. The main reason behind the success of taxi advertising is that, the ad on taxi is like a mobile billboard as the taxis move in every corner of the city and on all important place like parks, highways, malls and business places. It simply means that where ever the taxi goes your business would be advertised there and its not a digital ad that switch on for a specific time or will keep shuffling. Mostly the taxis move around the city 16-20 hours every day and a regular advertising of a business for such a long time means a lot for the business. This is reason that made taxi advertising business so much popular among local market owners and now you see so many taxis bragging about different businesses in the city.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Get Arrogant with Black - Empower Attitude

This is the world full of versatile attitude and arrogance, yes it is. Most of the ones get higher level of importance who possess greater altitude of arrogance. In addition to this, plain attention is merely paid to those who are earned with sharp attitude. Well, the hidden truth to earn yourself with both of the gifts is to opt for black. Yes, the core topic for the this particular spot is how black plays its role being in advertising world. As we know this fact that we are surrounded by heavy figure of ads and advertising material, black is the most opted choice in advertisement, might we did not notice it. When it comes to transit advertising, more particularly, Black Taxi Advertising, with which you say out your message with quite vivid image.

Black Taxi Advertising - Getting Arrogant with Black

Yes, it has been asked from many art directors and artists that which is the most arrogant color to display your message, no doubt, black has got maximum number of votes. Why it should not, it deserves. Being in advertising world, black taxi advertising plays quite supportive yet leading role in boosting up a brand. Most of the businessmen and entrepreneurs in UK London, chooses black taxis for advertising their product. Moreover, it greatly helps them to geographically target its market, for sure, it is one of its only kind to help them. By opting black taxis and cabs you nor merely state your message with absolute clearance, but you empower the attitude and arrogance to influence higher number of viewers that could be turned in into prospective customers.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why not Taxi Advertising This Time!!

Are you tired of advertising your business on resultless advertisement resources? Or you have not find an authentic resource that you can think that will uplift the stats of your business?
You might have seen TAXIS with some kind of ads printed on them or some digital screens on the rooftop or at the rear window, surveling around the streets and on highways. I believe that you still remember some of them too, though you are not suppose to remember them. Well this is what a salient feature of a good advertising resource, that it left its impression on the general public whether they need or they don't need the service ad printed on it, but if someone else ask regarding that service they might suggest it.
Taxi advertising is fond to be the one of the most affordable and relatively more result oriented advertising resource. If you are willing to get a stake on your competitors in a local market within a busy city like London, then taxi advertising is the perfect option to achieve your goal. To make sure that how much taxi advertising helps to raise the stats of a business, you must call the business for whom any taxi is advertising about and for that you can easily find a taxi with ad printed on it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Do You Want to Have The Monopoly to Rule Over Entire Marketplace?

This is the time where everyone strives to get sole control over everything, though it is not that much easy the way one think of. Most of the times organizations and entrepreneurs amazingly struggle in order to get full charge over targeted marketplace. While because of gigantic sorts of competition one really gets though time to get the hot spot. Organizations spend giant size of bucks, even they dedicate their entire treasure over advertising just to compete and get some appreciations. However, with the introduction of transit advertising, one can easily grab entire targeted marketplace, even small or newly born organizations. Being in transit advertising, advertising on taxis mode is one of the best and effective way of advertising because it earns complete control to the advertiser to drives it. 

Target Marketing with Taxi Advertising

Advertising on taxis make enable the business owner or entrepreneur to target their market with the on-going time, rather in more simplifying wordings I should state, it gives spontaneous control to the owner. Furthermore, it also gifts monopoly to the entrepreneur to particularly target a market in regard to every aspect factor of the product and to rule it. 

Ubiquitous - Advertising on Taxis Campaign
Advertising on taxis is quite affordable even a starter business can employ it to influence greater deal of viewers, who can be converted into prospective customers. You may opt for healthy figure of taxis to drives your product unlike traditional billboards that can't be adopted in such a higher number as well as it can't drives your product, rather it'll drives your customers, who are the kings, and trust me, they really don't like to go for an ad by themselves.

Release Your Tension with Transit Ads

It is the time where every one of us faces to experience a giant figure of product ads for the reason that we are getting a new product every day and it need to be advertised, no doubt. Since there is a lofty competition amongst various businesses and sole proprietor as well, all of them are determined to advertise their products to the peak level in order to get to boom phase in product life cycle. There are a number of advertising modes that could be approached by sorts of businesses considering their budget level while they also consider the requirements and specifications of the products being advertised. The very traditional modes are TV channels and radio / FM, while it could generate a truly longer list of customers. We usually see hundreds of ads each day and we hardly notice the efforts made behind the scenes. Yes, this is true, it needs so much home work might you could imagine even to develop a 60 seconds ad, and trust me, it is one of the most expensive approach as well. While with the introduction of transit advertisement, where businesses and sole proprietor prefer to go with taxi advertising particularly, it releases huge weight of tension over head. Taxi advertising really helping out promoters to get release its tension while get ready them to warmly welcome approaching prospective customers in no time. With traditional mode of advertisement, one would require to analyze and research over the taste, timings, value of the unknown viewers, because are you blindly targeting viewers, one could switch on to other channel during ad, might could go to get some refreshments, or can switch to music channel to see for favorite tracks, it is just simply like to ignoring your millions of dollars and efforts that are made merely to develop a 60 second ad, or even more shorter. But advertising on taxis give no such options to viewers to switch, turn it off, or get to something else, the ultimate objective to influence them is easily achieved.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Give Wings to Your Tension and Make It Fly Away Via Transit Ads

It is the time where everyone of us face to experience a giant figure of product ads for the reason that we are getting a new product everyday and it need to be advertised, no doubt. Since there is a lofty competition amongst various businesses and sole proprietor as well, all of them are determined to advertise their products to the peak level in order to get to boom phase in product life cycle.

Ubiquitous Taxi Advertising - Drive Your Product

There are a number of advertising modes that could be approached by sorts of businesses considering their budget level while they also consider the requirements and specifications of the products being advertised. The very traditional modes are TV channels and radio / FM, while it could generate a truly longer list of customers. We usually see hundreds of ads each day and we hardly notice the efforts made behind the scenes. Yes, this is true, it needs so much home work might you could imagine even to develop a 60 seconds ad, and trust me, it is one of the most expensive approach as well. While with the introduction of transit advertisement, where businesses and sole proprietor prefer to go with taxi advertising particularly, it releases huge weight of tension over head. However, with Ubiquitous Taxi advertising really helping out promoters to get release its tension while get ready themselves to warmly welcome approaching prospective customers in no time.

With traditional mode of advertisement, one would require to analyze and research over the taste, timings, value of the unknown viewers, because are you blindly targeting viewers, one could switch on to other channel during ad, might could go to get some refreshments, or can switch to music channel to see for favorite tracks, it is just simply like to ignoring your millions of dollars and efforts that are made merely to develop a 60 second ad, or even more shorter. But taxi advertising give no such options to viewers to switch, turn it off, or get to something else, the ultimate objective to influence them is easily achieved.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Drive Your Product in Regard to Target Market with Taxi Ads

This the era of competition, competition between person to person, technology to technology, and business to business. Everyone strives to seeks to adopt better approach to get overtake the other. Same is the case with businesses and organizations, no matter if they are operating at smaller or larger level, they always hunt to get a tool in order to beat the competitors. In this time, we have got so many products of the same nature, we often got confused which one to opt for particularly. At this specific point of time, advertisement plays a vital role that make enable us to go for a particular product and make fair judgment amongst a figure of products that are of the same nature. However, when it comes to advertising, there are further various sorts of modes to opt for in order to promote your product, indirectly, your very own business. But for this particular point of time, my primarily target is transit advertising, more specifically, advertising on taxis, the very new yet reliable mode of advertising.

Ubiquitous - Black Taxi Advertising

You can get various black taxi advertising agencies, for instance, Ubiquitous, serving the entire city of London, and give your a product a life to exists in reality. Using pasting your product ad on taxis you can drive your product wherever you wish and whenever you desires, this is the unbeatable feature that can't be beaten by any mode of advertisement, not according to me particularly. Taxis will really take your product into every streets, even on highways, to let mass people to let know about product or service for instance too, while ultimately, creating a rich value fair enough to compete into this highly competitive world.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The High Leverage Of Taxi Advertising

The return on investment (ROI) is raised by opting the efficient resource. The ROI gets better if the source that has being utilized is effective. Usually the investment made for the promotion of the business or for a specific product matters the most, because advertisement of the business is some thing that bring visitor and those visitors turn into customers not the product. It doesn't matter how quality your product is or how high is the standard of your business, until an unless you advertise it via an effective advertising resource.
The most commonly used business marketing resources are:
  • Digital Media Advertisement (TV, Radio, Billboard Screens, Mobile etc)
  • Print Media (Newspapers, Magazines, Billboards, Flyers etc)
  • Transit Media (Taxi Advertising, Trains, buses)
  • Advertising on Products
  • Sponsorship etc etc
Well, the hard-workers get the juice of their work sooner or later but if you are siting free and expecting miracles to happen for you then there is nothing going to improvise till you start to work on it. Though the resources are quite effective and many businesses got a boost with advertising on them but to use these advertising resources efficiently you need to make Ads. That grasp the attention of everyone and convey the message of yours with their complete intention. Right now Taxi Advertising is found to be the most leveraging advertising resource.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Stomp On Your Competitors With Ubiquitous Taxi Advertising!

Not only one but almost every business that really exist is getting much competitive as we think off. Business owners are running hard to decrease the cost of production, lowering their profit margins, promoting business on various networks to stomp on their fellow business workers. Without being ambiguous about the advertising campaign, taxi advertising is one of the most effective business advertising campaign being approved by the every business owner who has ran an advertising campaign on taxis.
Taxis not only deliver locales and their packages but an advertisement on it also brag about it from where ever it passes through. To target a specific location in a city or even in some specific market place for the advertisement of your business adverising on taxis is the perfect option to be opt. Here is a lively example of one of the most successful campaign of Ubiquitoustaxis that has come to its end with some pretty effective result :

Campaign title

Korean Air

Campaign Goal

To increase brand awareness of Korean Air in the vital London business market and demonstrate Korean Air's quality executive class offering.

Target Audience

ABC1 Business People

Campaign Details

10 Liveries for 12 weeks & 175 SuperSides for 4 weeks
Launch Date 6 September


3rd annual campaign booked with Ubiquitous based on 2008's research which reveal a 51% increase in brand-awareness and an uplift of over 300% recognition. Spontaneous media attribution went from 19% to 68%. Jeongsoo Park, Korean Air's Regional Manager UK, Ireland & South Africa said: "We believe taxi advertising is a perfect platform for Korean Air to promote the brand in a highly visible, stylish format, on the iconic black cab shape. Suddenly on the busy streets of the affluent West End and City of London, Korean Air is everywhere!"

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Taxi Advertising-The Wise One Always Win!

I don't know about you but what I've experienced is that, wise person always win and even if they loss but they win with-in their loss. I know its Quite logical but its true and here is a good example of it the suits the theme of this post perfectly. Well, when we talk about the business the two thoughts that directly hit our mind are “promotion and revenue”. There are various way of promoting a business one of them is popular as Advertising. What we see on TV, hear on radio, stumble with on Internet and watch on roads and regular usage products that promote others businesses is actually advertising.
There are so many ways of advertising a single business as some of them I've mentioned above but picking up one regarding your budget that results positively is the biggest headache of all time. You cant get a response by advertising on a high rating channel but you can get a surprising response through an effective advertisement on a daily NEWS paper. 
There is an existing form of transit advertisement available in the markets but it was never as much effective as the results of Taxi Advertising. Advertising on taxis is a perfect way of getting your business recognized by every locale and it never cost as hiring an Ad on TV or a billboard screen. You can increase in intense of taxi advertising as you want it and grow your business as rapidly as you want it to be, well the quality of your services and the effectiveness of your Ad really matters in getting your business at a higher level.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Are you Scared of Big Fishes!!!

Gone were those days when peoples were much worried about the big brands name but since the beginning of 2k people are most likely comparing the price with the quality of the stuff that they can own within their budget and if you are know that you are the one who can setup up a new brand name in the market then we appreciate your idea and will surely help you to develop your brand name within the local and national territories. We already helped a couple of other companies to develop a good name in the market and also to give a competitive edge to all the big brands with our effective Taxi Advertising. One of the effective brand awareness campaign of Ubiquitous is :

Campaign Goal

Raise awareness of the new brand amongst intermediaries and, most importantly, the end investor.

Target Audience

AB1 with £50,000+ invest-able assets

Campaign Details

When you are talking to people who are looking for investment opportunities, it is essential that they are ‘comfortable’ with your brand.

Ignis understand this and have placed a lot of emphasis on their ‘out of home media strategy’. As well as national press, they advertise across road and rail as visibility outside is fundamental to the success of their campaigns and, with Advertising on Taxis in particular, can get their brand in to the affluent streets where buses and other forms of advertising can not reach.


Increase in product sales matched by ‘a cost effective sense of ubiquity’.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Taxi Advertising Is Perfect Than Every Single Type Of Advertising Resources II

Well previously it was all about what are the main sources of business advertisement to run successful campaigns, though there are some others as well but I'd mentioned the key resources that mostly business opt. There were some weak points in most of them as compare to Taxi Advertising, I'm not saying that they are not effective but the issues that I'm trying to highlight are:
  • some of the most effective are very expensive that running them for more than few weeks may not help to achieve the goal of advertisement. (TV and Billboard Ads)
  • Some of them follow a single path every day and they are limited to a specific area. (Radio and Bus Ads)
  • Some of them are limited to some specific peoples, (Radio and News Papers Ads) etc etc.
Now imagine about taxi advertising and i'm pretty sure that you will find all these and some other benefits in it, for instance, every person will at least give a look to your Ad whether they are working along the road or driving on the road, walking on the footpath or having refreshment at roadside cafe/pub and the one who will hire the taxi will surely pay attention to the Ad displayed on the body of the taxi. Well the price is as much effective as its results are, you will get your business advertised in every street and highway of the city in very affordable price.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Taxi Advertising Is Perfect Than Every Single Type Of Advertising Resources I

Honestly speaking, now a days advertising on taxis has become one of the most important advertising tool that is been used by most of the local and national business companies who wish to develop a common brand awareness and acknowledgement. Taxi Advertising is a highly effective source for running all kind of business marketing campaigns as it covers all the key spots of the city like malls, business places and almost every street of the city. I'm very confident that I've found none of the any other marketing resource this much effective in a very budget-able amount.
The most Common advertising resources that are being used by the business entities to promote their products and services are:
  • Television is one on the most common medium that pop up in our mind when we think about running an advertising campaign.
  • Radio is also a well known medium used for the population of business but it can be only heard only when your radio is switched on just like TV's.
  • Newspaper advertisement is also one of the popular medium of advertisement but your campaign will be only for those peoples who purchase/read news paper.
  • Bus advertisement is close to taxi advertising but as we all know that Buses run on a specific route.
  • Billboards and road banners are also successful source of advertisement but they are way expensive and the duration of the Ad is quite less.
Get the benefits of taxi advertising and weakness some of the key weak points of above mentioned resources in upcoming post.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Black Taxi Advertising – We Brag About Radio!!!!

Though it seems a bit off the hook but thats what we do to make your business run like it was never before. Usually radio and TV are used for the advertising campaigns of the business and after realizing the success and extra ordinary results of Black Taxi Advertising campaign we found taxis waving around the streets and on the highway bragging about the radio channel “LBC 97.3” for increasing the number of radio listeners in the local territories of London. The results were as obviously expected continued growth of radio listeners.
The further details of LBC 97.3 FM Black Taxi Advertising are as under:

Campaign Details:

From the road to the radio. Taxi advertising for LBC has proven to be a massive success in driving people to the station. Audience numbers have grown massively which LBC have openly equated, in part, to the success of their ads on our taxis.
One person who is particularly happy (and we hope he now loves taxis as much as we do) is Sony Nominee Nick Ferrari who actually gave one of his breakfast shows from the back of one of our taxis. Nicks’ show has shown a record reach increase of 37.4%.


Audience reach over first 3 months of taxi campaigning grew from 787,000 to 907,000 – with a total year on year increase of 25%.