Monday, June 20, 2011

Transit Advertising-which one is better? Part II

In the previous post I've discussed about transit advertising and a source of transit advertising. In this particular post i'll carry on the remaining three sources.
Ads on Buses:
Initially, the scope of transit advertisement was started with printing Ads on buses. Its true that the Ads on the buses looks like moving billboards but its also good for the businesses up to some extent. As mostly the buses follow the same route every day, so its not sure that your business will get advertised outside the route of the bus wrapped with your business Ad. Advertising on buses is better than advertising on trains, as there is a greater possibility that the ad will be viewed by most of the people.

The only type of transit advertising, which is giving a tough time to some of the main source of advertisement like T.V Channels etc. and why I should not be, the businessmen are getting results more than they expect and the price is comparatively quite low as well. The sole reason that made taxi advertising so much result oriented and a perfect source of advertisement is, its non stop advertisement up-to 16 hours a day almost in every street and highway of the city.

Advertising On Private Cars:
advertisement on private is quite new in the industry and went quite much flopped, because non of the private owner moves in the streets. If you hired someone to wrap-up his/her car with your business Ad, then you will probably find your business Ad parked somewhere in the parking lot of a building, cafe or in-front of someones home.

Be sincere with your business and advertise only on those advertising resource which truly mean to advertise your business. Transit advertising is a good way to advertise your business at affordable price but choosing the right source of transit advertising matters for the betterment of results

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