Thursday, March 31, 2011

Taxi Advertising Is Perfect Than Every Single Type Of Advertising Resources II

Well previously it was all about what are the main sources of business advertisement to run successful campaigns, though there are some others as well but I'd mentioned the key resources that mostly business opt. There were some weak points in most of them as compare to Taxi Advertising, I'm not saying that they are not effective but the issues that I'm trying to highlight are:
  • some of the most effective are very expensive that running them for more than few weeks may not help to achieve the goal of advertisement. (TV and Billboard Ads)
  • Some of them follow a single path every day and they are limited to a specific area. (Radio and Bus Ads)
  • Some of them are limited to some specific peoples, (Radio and News Papers Ads) etc etc.
Now imagine about taxi advertising and i'm pretty sure that you will find all these and some other benefits in it, for instance, every person will at least give a look to your Ad whether they are working along the road or driving on the road, walking on the footpath or having refreshment at roadside cafe/pub and the one who will hire the taxi will surely pay attention to the Ad displayed on the body of the taxi. Well the price is as much effective as its results are, you will get your business advertised in every street and highway of the city in very affordable price.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Taxi Advertising Is Perfect Than Every Single Type Of Advertising Resources I

Honestly speaking, now a days advertising on taxis has become one of the most important advertising tool that is been used by most of the local and national business companies who wish to develop a common brand awareness and acknowledgement. Taxi Advertising is a highly effective source for running all kind of business marketing campaigns as it covers all the key spots of the city like malls, business places and almost every street of the city. I'm very confident that I've found none of the any other marketing resource this much effective in a very budget-able amount.
The most Common advertising resources that are being used by the business entities to promote their products and services are:
  • Television is one on the most common medium that pop up in our mind when we think about running an advertising campaign.
  • Radio is also a well known medium used for the population of business but it can be only heard only when your radio is switched on just like TV's.
  • Newspaper advertisement is also one of the popular medium of advertisement but your campaign will be only for those peoples who purchase/read news paper.
  • Bus advertisement is close to taxi advertising but as we all know that Buses run on a specific route.
  • Billboards and road banners are also successful source of advertisement but they are way expensive and the duration of the Ad is quite less.
Get the benefits of taxi advertising and weakness some of the key weak points of above mentioned resources in upcoming post.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Black Taxi Advertising – We Brag About Radio!!!!

Though it seems a bit off the hook but thats what we do to make your business run like it was never before. Usually radio and TV are used for the advertising campaigns of the business and after realizing the success and extra ordinary results of Black Taxi Advertising campaign we found taxis waving around the streets and on the highway bragging about the radio channel “LBC 97.3” for increasing the number of radio listeners in the local territories of London. The results were as obviously expected continued growth of radio listeners.
The further details of LBC 97.3 FM Black Taxi Advertising are as under:

Campaign Details:

From the road to the radio. Taxi advertising for LBC has proven to be a massive success in driving people to the station. Audience numbers have grown massively which LBC have openly equated, in part, to the success of their ads on our taxis.
One person who is particularly happy (and we hope he now loves taxis as much as we do) is Sony Nominee Nick Ferrari who actually gave one of his breakfast shows from the back of one of our taxis. Nicks’ show has shown a record reach increase of 37.4%.


Audience reach over first 3 months of taxi campaigning grew from 787,000 to 907,000 – with a total year on year increase of 25%.