Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Taxi Advertising is a better way to advertise your business!

Well, you can not create a poll about how your customer came to know about you but you can easily see a significant change in number of visitors and visitors to customers afterwards the marketing campaigns that you had run either about some specific product of yours or for the promotion of your business.
Seems so easy that you will get the reward so easily but its not as easy as it seems. Publishing your ad on any media whether it is tv, radio, print or any other doesn't mean that your business will stake up but you need an appropriate planing to make it your advertising campaign worthy. The design of the ad plays most important role in its effectiveness and the medium also come beside it.
Going for electronic media like TV will cost you way more than what you will receive in return if you are running an average business, radio is cost effective but its not result effective same goes to news papers and magazines. There is another way to run an effective advertising campaign which cost as much as you want it to be and the results are better than any other advertising campaign according to price and that is TaxiAdvertising.
You might have seen various taxis with AD boards on their top and some eye catching paint job on the body that makes you look at them once. Advertising on Taxis is a better way to recognize your business in locale territories.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Flexibility In The Visual Medium Of Advertisement

What is flexibility ?
Flexibility is actually the way in which you adapt to the change weather its environmental or social change. Its something out of the normal conventions. Being flexible helps you to be more innovative and imaginative. In this particular blog my focus is on the flexibility of medium in which the advertisements are placed.

What is Advertisement?
Advertisements are basically used to inform or persuade people about certain product, event or news. In terms of business we can say it is used for creating Brand Awareness among masses through television, radio, INTERNET and all of the resource of print media. Either you advertise to inform people about a new product that has been launched recently in to the market or you inform about any change or update in the already existing product. The core aim of advertisement is to attract customers attention in a way as to persuade them to buy your product. In terms of marketing we can say that targeting or creating needs or desire among the people
Flexibility in the medium of advertisement:
Normally advertisements are carried out through print of social media. In print media we have news papers, magazines, bill boards, hoardings etc., while in electronic media we have Internet, Television and Radio. So the basic theme of advertisement is to reach maximum people with maximum information.
In order to create flexibility in the visual medium of advertisement concept of Advertisement on Taxis was introduced. As taxi travels to every part of the city. So the chances of creating awareness among maximum people increases.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Stand Alone in Local Market Via Advertising on Taxis

Advertising on taxis is raising stake in major cities of UK, USA, Australia etc and you can not deny it, as you would have seen the number of taxis with Ads wrapped on their body. So, its the common sense that where ever taxis will move, your business Ad will be advertised among the people sitting beside the road, walking on footpath, driving their vehicle, working up with something outside, and more precisely I say that every Eye ball out in the streets will see the ad of yours, when it is printed on taxis.
Advertising on taxis allow the business owners to catch the attraction of the targeted market with the on going time. Not monopoly but we can say that if taxi advertising is utilized efficiently and the product/services you are advertising about hold the quality and interest of consumer, then you can outcast your competitors swiftly.
The cost of advertising on taxis is so much affordable that even a fresh business can afford it. However, adding up more cost does not only enhances the number of taxis with your Ad but you can also enhance the existing ad campaign by making necessary changes to the ads and also adding up more taxi advertising goodies in your campaign. It will help your business to recognize as the one of its kind in the local market as long as the taxis will move in the local streets, marketplaces and business centers.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Rusticate All other Advertising resources Except!

Are you tired of investing money on advertising resources? Or you are still scratching the market for the one which can truly save the extra cost and must hold the impact of advertisement. Well, usually business get fed up by advertising on print media as the cost of advertisement is not much effective as compare to the results generated by advertisement campaign. However, new sources of advertisement are introduced in the market that put the business owners in the dilemma, whether to go for it or to wait for others to say words about these resources efficiency.
Well, if you are still spending your money on print media advertising resources then, I would say that its time to rusticate all those resources and contact a Taxi Advertising agency. Advertisement on taxis is getting into market since years and its has grown some strong roots in it because of its cost effectiveness and result delivering nature. Well if you have not heard a word about it then I believe you must have seen taxis with Ads wrapped on their body moving in the streets, highways, airports and near market, and to acknowledge the effectiveness of taxi advertising campaign, I suggest you to have a look on the Ubiquitous taxis portfolio, you will see the international, local and nationwide businesses Ads wrapped up taxis with complete case studies. I truly believe that the portfolio of famous UK taxi advertising agencies would be enough for you to attain the trust to advertise on taxis.